Website of Dzogchen Buddha Path Europe

The purpose of this site is to increase positive thinking and happiness for all sentient beings. Here you will have access to the teachings of the Buddha and especially to the history, teachings and current activities of the Dzogchen Lineage of Buddhism.

In its broadest sense, Dzogchen Lineage refers to the limitless expanse and continuous wisdom of Vast Awakening, the Buddha Nature which is the natural enlightened lineage of wisdom and compassion that exists in the mind of every single sentient being.

Dzogchen Lineage also refers to the specific transmission of the Buddha’s teachings known in Tibetan as “Dzogchen,” or “Great Perfection.” This is a living lineage that exists in this world, having been passed from master to disciple from the time of the Buddha to the present.

We are calling You!
   Let’s celebrate together and keep our great peace project flourishing!

Since we took the first steps to establish this retreat center in 2020 we have accomplished a lot – our DRCE has transformed into a place where we can retreat and train our positive thinking to bring
peace and happiness to this world.

Let’s rejoice in all we have achieved until now, in the great effort and helpful hands and in all the
generosity of our supporters. And let’s continue on this virtuous path and generate the financial
resources to keep our DRCE alive for the benefit of all beings!

Join us at the Generosity Event 2025,

celebrate with us and support our DRCE…

The original Dzogchen lineage was transmitted from Dharmakaya Buddha Samantabhadra to Sambhogakaya Buddha Vajrasattva to Nirmanakaya Buddha Shakyamuni.

The aim of the Dzogchen Buddha Path Foundation Europe is to fundraise and build a Dharma Retreat Center, a home for Dzogchen Buddhists, in Europe. This purpose will promote positivity on our planet. Global peace and harmony is our main goal.  

The Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe in the middle of beautiful nature is a wonderful place to foster a practice of love, compassion and wisdom.

Make a donation

We invite you to contribute to our mission
The mission of Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe Association is to create a Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe which will support the preservation, practice, and transmission of the ancient and unbroken Dzogchen tradition in the modern world. The Dzogchen Wisdom Lineage – Buddha’s entire authentic teaching – is a time-tested tradition of practice with specific techniques to achieve both the immediate goal of individual happiness and the ultimate goal of Vast Awakening.

Bank account:
Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe
IBAN: AT19 2025 6000 0092 9133

Message: Donation for DRCE (+ Please leave your e-mail address in the details field so we can personally thank you.)


Generosity is the root of wealth and prosperity
Compassion is the root of peace and happiness
Non-violence is the root of morality and discipline
Observing one’s mind is the root of Dharma practice
– His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche

The aim of the Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe Association is to fundraise and build a Dharma Retreat Center, a home for Dzogchen Buddhists, in Europe. This purpose will promote positivity on our planet. Global peace and harmony is our main goal.  

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