The Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe is being designed to specifically provide a peaceful environment free from distractions. This Retreat Center will be an ideal campus where beginning students and advanced practitioners can find personal guidance, formal training practice and like-minded companions providing the necessary support to foster a practice of love, compassion and wisdom. It will be a wisdom station for healing individuals, families and society.
The DRCE is open for Sangha to come and volunteer, as well as spend time doing personal practice. If you would like to visit, fill in the application by clicking the link below. We will then check that there are no conflicts with any ongoing events or activities and get back to you in a few days with a response.
In January of 2020, the The Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe Association auspiciously found and acquired the land and the beginnings of the Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe in the beautiful mountains of Lower Austria.
During the first half of year 2020 we were able to turn an old hay barn into a shrine room and make some changes in the main building which has allowed us to already hold various events.
Thus, we are already off to an incredible start. Now we need your help to raise funds to renovate, construct, and complete this holy center.
Dear Friends & Sangha
At the end of a rainbow there is gold, but beneath the rainbow, there is even more. The truth is, our treasure lies inside of us!
Therefore, the Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe Association invites you to go treasure hunting! . Let’s do something auspicious, luminous - good for you and all beings. A better day, a better present moment, a better world for all of us. It is all in our reach. Let's do it; together and united we can!
Join Us
Join us in creating our Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe. Here we all have the opportunity to make a better future for both - ourselves and others. Together with our Holy Vajra Master HE Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, Venerable Bodhi Lama Erik and Bodhi Lama Rita and other great teachers we will create many retreats and teachings that are accessible for everyone.
The power of working together
In this retreat center we will need beds, heating, a stove to cook; also a shrine room, windows facing the blue sky and the beautiful lower Alps of Austria, not to mention a new sewage & internet system, pipes and many useful tools.
Our European Buddhist groups have united, working closely together to already make many improvements, but there is still more to do. We will continue this joyful work to make the DRCE flourish.
The power of working together is immeasurable.

Please join us and be part of us. Come and learn about the ancient wisdom of True Happiness. Together we will make peace in the world.
We ask you to support us with a monthly or a one time donation. In this way we can continue transforming ourselves and our Center to make it a perfect place for everybody to learn, contemplate and meditate on positive thinking.
Our bank account information is:
Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe
IBAN: AT19 2025 6000 0092 9133
If you are already supporting us, we deeply thank you for your contribution. It is beneficial for us and the whole world.
Make a donation
We invite you to contribute to our mission
The mission of Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe Association is to create a Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe which will support the preservation, practice, and transmission of the ancient and unbroken Dzogchen tradition in the modern world. The Dzogchen Wisdom Lineage – Buddha’s entire authentic teaching – is a time-tested tradition of practice with specific techniques to achieve both the immediate goal of individual happiness and the ultimate goal of Vast Awakening.
Bank account:
Dzogchen Shri Singha Europe
IBAN: AT19 2025 6000 0092 9133
Message: Donation for DRCE (+ Please leave your e-mail address in the details field so we can personally thank you.)
Generosity is the root of wealth and prosperity
Compassion is the root of peace and happiness
Non-violence is the root of morality and discipline
Observing one’s mind is the root of Dharma practice
– His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche