Announcing the winners of the 2023 Sacred Arts Competition
Precious Sangha! Wonderful News!
The Sacred Arts Competition Committee is celebrating and honoring the artists who participate in this year’s competition. We have 5 artists: Irene Pichlhöfer, Jean-Marie Braun, Marianne Swienty, Eerik Sven Puudist and Rika Tapper. They submitted 6 art works in 4 different categories: Visual Art, Poetry (Dharma Haiku), Original Song and Shrine.
Visual Art
1st place winner with 16 pts "Gateway to Enlightenment" is Jean-Marie Braun (Austria)

2nd place winner with 14 pts "Dzogchen Plate" is Irene Pichlhöfer (Austria)

Poetry (Dharma Haiku)
1st place winner with 17 pts “Nõndaläinu” (The Thus Gone One) is Eerik Sven Puudist (Estonia)

2nd place winner with 13 pts “Vares” (The Crow) is Rika Tapper (Estonia)

Original Song
1st place winner with 14 pts "The Dzogchen Buddha Path" is Marianne Swienty (Austria)
Here You can listen to this beautiful song:
1st place winner with 16 pts is Eerik Sven Puudist (Estonia)

The Sacred Arts Competition Committee would like to warmly thank all the artists for sharing dharma teachings through their creativity. May your creativity keep flourishing and your Artwork benefit all beings!
Many thank yous to our dear judges for their evaluations and praises, encouragements and beneficial suggestions that they gave to the artists!
With love,
Sacred Arts Competition Committee